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Timothy Gallwey
Founder - The Inner Game

In the mid-1970s, Tim Gallwey gained valuable insights into experiential learning during one of his tennis classes in California. He realized that individuals could enhance their learning experience through a more hands-on approach.

In his 1974 book, The Inner Game of Tennis, he initially introduced this concept. What started as a simple book for tennis players has transformed into a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking to excel in their chosen field, whether it be sports or other personal endeavors. After that, Tim started to work helping companies such as Apple, AT&T, Coca-Cola, and Rolls-Royce, among others. He lives in New Jersey and dedicates time to writing and creating contents. 

Renato Ricci
Cofounder - The Inner Game Institute

Renato Ricci is an entrepreneur who began his career in engineering before founding his own consulting firm in 1990. He has worked in a variety of corporate industries for over 25 years.

Over the last twelve years, he has worked with Timothy Gallwey to expand The Inner Game globaly. He delivered Inner Game programs in a variety of countries and cultures, including the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Ukraine, Russia, Denmark, and Brazil. In 2020, he and Tim Gallwey created The Inner Game Institute together.

He is currently the Executive Managing Director of The Inner Resources Inc., which owns the Inner Game's brand and Tim Gallwey's intellectual property.

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Jeffrey Lipsius
Sales and Development Director

He is the trainer of TIG of Selling and author of Selling To The Point book.

Gabriella Bravi
I’m Gabriella from Italy. Coach, trainer, and most of all human being. Freedom is my lighthouse. Sailing is my passion and my favorite metaphor for life. Since ever I’m interested in human inner and outer dynamics. I spent the last 10 years questing for a sustainable life and experiencing what I used to call “my young ladies talks”, yes, I could clearly hear all these Gabri yelling at each other, each one wanting to be right! It was there that I met the Inner Game. Today Inner Game is my philosophy. I graduated in Economics and earned an MBA. After more than 15 years in management consulting focused on financial capital, my life and career path became an example of “Mobility” in search for a better world. I began working in the fields of ethical finance, complementary currencies, social business, and innovation. It was during a year sabbatical in the U.S. when I experienced a “Soul Journey” and had an epiphany that what truly makes the world richer is building human capital valorization as the cornerstone for progress, social transformation, and sustainable change. From that moment on, I began focusing my energy on it, getting a Coaching degree and then the specialization with Tim Gallwey. I apply the Inner Game Principles to my passion for sailing to develop high performance teams and work with people who wish to find their flow and be at the helm of their life, in a natural, enjoyable and sporty outdoor setting.
Amanda Greville
Sales and Development Director
On completion of my studies at art college, in advertising, editorial and applied professional photography, I went on to work in the film business in London for over fifteen years as a location finder, set dresser and Art Director for stills photographers, TV commercials and feature films. At the same time, I also made my debut as an actress on the London stage, with the Tower Theatre Company. In 1995, having made a few determined choices about lifestyle, I moved to Spain, to set up my own business, where I began to teach English to Spanish military officers. In 2007 I was selected to be a coach to work with a large European team, for a voluntary organization, dedicated to peace. That was when I first read a book called the Inner Game of Work by Tim Gallwey, which became my coaching manual for reaching excellence and coaching high-performance teams. In 2014, I went on to train with Tim Gallwey in Italy and became an Inner Game Practitioner, applying the Inner Game Method to English language learning, with great success. A few years later, I hosted the first Inner Game, Train the Trainer for facilitators, in Europe, in the city of Granada. In 2021, I continue to be an Inner Game Practitioner and Inner Game Methodology Facilitator, coaching and mentoring, directors, team leaders, lecturers, entrepreneurs, public speakers, and facilitating in company trainings, in both English and Spanish.
Roberta Gallingani
Professional Certified Coach
Roberta Gallingani, graduated in Economics and Commerce at the University of Bologna, qualified to practice as a chartered accountant, and has always been passionate about interpersonal relationships, approached the world of coaching in 2018 due to a need for personal growth, making his passion her job. Professional Certified Coach ICF – ACC, and “Inner Game® Certified Facilitator”, she has been trained by Timothy Gallway, and has participated in many of his seminars. She is part of “The Inner Game® Institute _ Chapter Italia” from 2020. Passionate about golf, tennis, and sports in general, she supports players of all levels to unleash their potential and maximize their performance on the field and in life.
Michael Wozniak
Masters Degree in Professional Coaching
After 13 years as an intercontinental project manager in a multinational company, a project involving more than a hundred engineers spread all over the world and several million euros earned each year, Mr. Wozniak knows the business world and its challenges. Subsequently, he refocused on human intelligence by getting closer to the two biggest global figures of strategy and learning. Thus, to prove that it is possible to achieve excellence through what he teaches, he was the first Frenchman to win the Bronze medal in 2016 at the World Speed Reading Championships in Singapore. It is all his expertise that he intends to make available to you. Michel has a Masters Degree in Professional Coaching, specialized in Sports Mind Performance, and is a facilitator for The Inner Game Methodology.
Victor Ferreira
Sales and Development Director
He has a strong background in the Manufacturing and Service sectors where, for the last 35 years, has conducted professional activities as a technical expert, manager, trainer, consultant, auditor, mentor and coach in South Africa, Brazil, United States, China, India, Thailand, Botswana, Israel, Romania, Hungary, among others… Since the beginning of his career, has demonstrated the capability and passion for assisting people and organisations in achieving not only their objectives but also in continually improving their abilities towards the fulfilment of their true potential. Got a Post Graduation Degree in Honours B Com UNISA (University of South Africa) with majors in Business Management, being also a qualified coach through MBCI – Australia (Mentors and Business Coaches International); ICC (International Coaching Community) as a (Member and also in Neuroscience Coaching Certification – Objectives, Emotions and Values). and Certified Facilitator of “The Inner Game Methodology”.
Avi Yensarfati
I am Avi Yensarfati, living in izmir Turkey. I am a waterpolo coach and certified life coach specialized at mental performance coaching. During my 30 plus years sports career, I played and coached at different national teams and club teams where I intensely experienced the importance of The Inner Game. Not only as a sports person and a coach but also as an husband, father, friend, human being; I experienced and I am experiencing how one can realize more of his/her potential and how the performance increases by using Inner Game methods. I am very happy and proud to be a local facilitator and deliver the Inner Game Methodology Program which is so simple and profound and suits for all people from all ages and all professions.
Lindsay Nixon
Lindsay Nixon here, just popping up to say hello and a little bit about myself and The Inner Game. When I started to become aware of my own “Inner Game” it really was game-changing! I really enjoy Inner Game events and I am a Facilitator of The Inner Game Methodology in English and Spanish, currently based in Madrid and am globally connected. As well as an Inner Game Facilitator, I am a qualified, certified ACUK coach and qualified specialist in Emotional Intelligence and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). I have many years of experience, and enjoyment, in multinationals and with sports teams and am the founder of and collaborating in corporate and sports areas through my signature MVP programmes.
Martin Gallagher
Through my life experiences, my extensive career had led me to a variety of senior management roles withing the telecommunication industry- including that of CEO. My leisure time has also seen me in a variety of sports management and coaching roles. My interests have always been with individuals and in team’s development, it being an integral part on any management role. Through time and with a growing interesting in the importance of developing people and the psychology supporting it, I completed a diploma in coaching. I first participated in an Inner Game (IG) workshop in 2017, having not previously been aware of its concepts, or methodologies. As I participated in the workshop, I became excited about the IG tools and potential in supporting development and growth. It offered so much for me in my development and for me as coach in developing others. I have since complete the IG facilitator certification. I now use and promote IG tools and methodology in my own day to day practices and in the practice of developing others. It makes so much sense when we use the IG tools and concepts. The tools are simple, easy to use and are an essential support in personal growth development.
Marc Rozoy
fter a commercial career in the automotive and construction sector, I chose consulting and training to help companies and their teams meet their challenges. Human being and their amazing ability to renew themselves are at the heart of every success. I have come across many approaches that enable change in human beings generating both rapid and long lasting behavioral changes. During my coaching training in 2014, I have discovered « The Inner Game ». It was like a revelation to me. The Inner Game is a simple, yet powerful and fun approach, elaborated by Tim Gallwey. Tim discovered “The Inner Game” by coaching top athletes in tennis and then extended it to all professional fields. « The Inner Game » teaches you how to unleash your full potential and to undo your inner barriers, whether they are conscious or unconscious. It helps you to rediscover the true pleasure and joy of doing and learning, the sweet taste of challenges and success. If you desire to apply this method for yourself or your teams, and enjoy the benefit of a personalized support in French, please contact me on 06 34 22 31 71 or connect to my website After a commercial career in the automotive and construction sector, I chose consulting and training to help companies and their teams meet their challenges. Human being and their amazing ability to renew themselves are at the heart of every success. I have come across many approaches that enable change in human beings generating both rapid and long lasting behavioral changes. During my coaching training in 2014, I have discovered « The Inner Game ». It was like a revelation to me. The Inner Game is a simple, yet powerful and fun approach, elaborated by Tim Gallwey. Tim discovered “The Inner Game” by coaching top athletes in tennis and then extended it to all professional fields. « The Inner Game » teaches you how to unleash your full potential and to undo your inner barriers, whether they are conscious or unconscious. It helps you to rediscover the true pleasure and joy of doing and learning, the sweet taste of challenges and success.
Isabel Esperança
From an early age, she showed her ability to people, always highlighting the potential of each person. She went through several companies where she trained and led people and teams. Degree in HR Management and Organizational Behavior and Master in Information Systems. In writing, she is Co-Author of several Anthologies of Portuguese Poetry, Collections and Fictional Micro-Narratives. And a published children’s book: Branklache, the wafer girl. Passionate about the world of theater and performances, she has done several works: Manual of Instructions by Victor Hugo Pontes and the short film Prends Moi in which she starred with Margarida Carpiteiro and Pedro Diogo. Isabel embraces life with passion and as a gift that we must grasp and challenge every day. One of her life’s purposes is to develop human potential, extracting and showing what is best within each one. She is a Coach and Neuroscience Coach: ICC Member | Neuroscience Coaching Certification Objectives, Emotions and Values ​​International certification ICC nº. 13842 Facilitator of the Open Windows To Happiness Program. Goals Coach | Life Coach | Business Coach | career coach
Ana Cristina De La Torre

Hello, I am Ana. I was born in Quito, the capital of Ecuador.  For more than 10 years I have lived in Manta, a city located on the coast side of this mega-diverse country. I consider myself a lover of nature and life. Daughter, sister, wife and mother of some wonderful beings who teach us every day to be better. I am convinced that continuous learning is the key to self-transformation, and it can only be achieved on your own initiative and will.

From a very young age, my parents planted in me the chip of optimism, of always seeing a full glass, of knowing that we can always see the positive side of any situation that comes in our way.  I have always believed that it is up to each of us to be able to pursue our dreams. This is how throughout my life I have fought for what I dream of.  Like every human being, I have had many challenges, both personal and professional. In each of these situations, I have been able to find meaning and learning.

Now, with more reason. As a certified Coach and as an Inner Game facilitator, today I can validate that look. Today I can further internalize those lessons learned from the different experiences I have lived throughout my life. Today I understand that my initial belief allowed me to become who I am. Mainly, it allowed me to discover that the experience of living goes far beyond collecting “physical treasures”, it is about cultivating that inner garden that depends solely and exclusively on me. It is about recognizing my inner potential given by heaven and putting it at the service of others. Thus, in more than 20 years of working in a private company, and in the volunteer organizations I have belonged to, I have been able to walk towards that space where I feel that I can deliver all my potential while enjoying and learning along the way.

Being able to accompany you on this path represents an opportunity to serve and multiply the talents and virtues that our world needs. It means turning on your inner light that is waiting to shine. It means spreading that flame to more and more people. It means awakening that consciousness. The Inner Game Methodology becomes a wonderful tool to achieve this. I invite you to try it!

Cristina Tavares
Hello. My name is Cristina Tavares and I have been a Life Coach since 2014. At the moment, I am developing my professional career in the real estate sector, being part of a management team of consultants, and opening a therapeutic center. In this role in the real estate sector, I apply the knowledge acquired through Coaching and also in managing the team of therapists at the therapeutic center. I have always enjoyed helping and guiding others to achieve their goals. I discovered the TIG method in 2018 and decided to take the training. It transformed my view of what surrounds me and my abilities. I live on São Miguel Island, in the Azores.
Oleg Stepanov

I am Oleg Stepanov from Moscow, Russia. First of all, I consider myself, as a human being. I am ICF executive coach, business trainer and moderator.

For over 30 years, I’ve been looking for the most effective approaches to helping people unleash their inner potential for a happier, more balanced life and performance in business and learning.

And I was fortunate enough to personally meet and learn the Inner Game from Timothy Gallwey and Renato Ricci.

In 2018, on behalf of the ICF International Committee, I invited Tim Gallwey to participate in the ICF conference. Renato Ricci answered me. Would you like to do something more in Russia? I answered yes, I do. After I went to Milan to take part in the Inner Game “Train the Trainer”. We invited Tim and Renato in November 2018 to Moscow, where we organized a free meeting with 350 coaches and then the training “Inner Game of Life”. In 2019, the Russian chapter was created and 30 facilitators of the Inner Game were trained. Tim Gallwey and Renato’s visit to Ukraine was also organized, where they met with 400 coaches and trainers and then held an Inner Game in Life workshop.

Now the Russian chapter of the Institute of Inner Game is actively developing. Many of our facilitators have been licensed to conduct the Inner Game Methodology in the Russian market. And we are ready to start and implement our mission of spreading the idea and practice of the Inner Game in Russia and the Russian-speaking countries.

Felix Grewe

elcome to my profile! I’m Felix and I live in Hamburg (Germany). One of my great passions is tennis, it has shaped 30 of my 35 years of life in a special way. Many years I played very ambitiously, competed in many tournaments. My outer game was mostly pretty good, my inner game sometimes not. I discovered “The Inner Game of Tennis” and the book became my bible. At a very young age, I began to study inner dialogues intensively. Today I wonder if I would be part of the global “The Inner Game” team if I had won more often back then?

Tennis is a school of life for me. It has opened the door to my inner world. I learned how to build confidence in my own strengths and what non-judgmental awareness really means. Many of the experiences I have had and continue to have on the tennis court help me in so many different life situations including the business world.

What has fascinated me about Tim’s method for so many years: the enjoyment of learning! Seeing life as one long learning process that can bring you closer and closer to yourself is a beautiful philosophy. If you are interested in the inner game and would like to experience the so great workshop “The Inner Game-Methodologies” in German, feel free to contact me! You can learn even more about me and my work on my website.

Dina Khomyak

My name is Dina. 

I have a successful experience of individual coaching with people of different professions and generations, aged 15 to 70 years. Coaching and mentoring have become an integral part of my business career. My passion and vocation is working with teams.

The MBA degrees obtained in Moscow and London, and the experience of working in business on large projects allowed me to develop practical leadership skills and management of business teams. I work with teams in production, in electrical engineering, in IT, with sales and product managers, with narrow experts and Top managers. With distributed, cross-cultural and remote teams.

Additional knowledge in psychology, sociology and pedagogy allows me to create and conduct comprehensive training and development programs for specialists in various industries and directions.

I consider it a great success in my life to get acquainted with W. Timothy Gallwey, with his concept of coaching, his books and his trainings on the Inner Game. I am a certified facilitator of the International Inner Game Institute. In my practice, I constantly apply the concept and tools of Inner Game in individual coaching, in working with teams, in business and in life. I am proud that I have been entrusted to represent the technology of the Inner Game in Russia.

Mihai Curelea

I’m an independent training professional with more than 20 years of practice. I’ve been privileged to work with thousands of participants from the most exciting companies in the world in courses, workshops, or coaching sessions and to learn from all of these interplays.

I was born in Bucharest, Romania, and I grew up in a society that values most what other people are saying. With a job that requires being in front of people most of the time, it’s easy to let Self 1 take control and become obsessed with preserving a false image of “know-it-all” perfection. Luckily, I discovered Tim Gallwey and Inner Game in my early career stages. Since then, I use the performance-learning-enjoyment triangle to balance my life and help my clients achieve their goals while getting the greatest satisfaction.

In 2010 I founded the Training School, a project that quickly became a reference for Romania’s training the trainers. Until now, I had the chance to coach hundreds of trainers and facilitators using the same old basic principles of getting results while acquiring learning and enjoying the process.

In 2020 I became a certified Inner Game facilitator, and I had the privilege to meet Tim and relearn Inner Game from the best coaches. I’m honored to introduce The Inner Game Methodology to the world and be part of such a diverse community of admirable professionals.

Andy Knibbs

My first job after leaving school resulted in low performance, low enjoyment, and very little learning. My current job, which is also my hobby, is high in learning and enjoyment and I’d like to think high in performance too.
So, how did I get there? I pursued a very natural interest in human behaviour by studying psychology at university for 6 years, whilst simultaneously, attending various placements and jobs, within hospitals and community health centres. At the same time, I worked part-time as a tennis coach where I was able to explore some of the psychological approaches that I had learned. The next step in my journey happened when I was invited to train to become an Inner Tennis Tutor by attending a Train the Trainer course in 2002. The methodology and the ease with which another person could learn from their experience, both naturally and effectively, blew my mind and within a few months I was co-founder of a company that delivered Inner Game workshops to Sports Coaches within the UK.
Since 2002, I have delivered many workshops and worked with over 5000 sports coaches from a range of sports.  As a coach, I quickly became aware of how impactful non-directive coaching skills combined with the Inner Game methodology are for helping another person to learn and perform at higher levels. And, when a person chooses to trust in their innate capacity to learn and perform from experience, whether on a tennis court, in the classroom, or in the workplace, it feels me with a great sense of purpose and joy.

Rudolf Nyari

For 20 years since I have worked with people, my whole activity has been aimed on performance. My focus has always been on innovation and reaching the highest level of professionalism. I have started at University following an academic career, then I decided to turn my attention to my own development and I have became an entrepreneur, so I developed, built and put into practice my own ideas, aspirations and dreams, from sales, trade, production, exploitation afforestation and wood processing, until export to Asia and the Middle East. Since 2015, when I had my first contact with professional coaching, my entire perspective has changed. That was the first time I heard of Tim Gallwey and read his first book, “The Inner Game of Tennis”. Everything that Tim has wrote seemed so simple and natural that I thought I was on the right side of the shore. But when I started to notice myself, I have realized how much more I had to learn about myself, first of all, and about the others around me. This internal dialogue that Tim is talking about, which each of us has constantly in our minds, is a normal and natural dialogue, a dialogue that leads to performance through a process of learning and pleasure. I have started to listen actively, to ask directly strong questions, to be curious about what is happening in my mind and soul, in my family, in my relationships and in the teams I work with. Today I am a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation, Amsador International Coach Federation Romanian Chapter in Transylvania Region, Member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, Lecturer in The EdAlt School of Coaching, Facilitator in Tim Gallwey’s team for The Inner Game Methodology, thus remaining a big fan of performance on all levels: business, sports, life both at individual level and at group and team level!

Rob Sheath

I come from a sports background in which I have been involved since 1992. I have gained experience coaching at all levels of sport from beginners to international players. In the early part of my career, I became involved with the Inner Game – and this has been at the heart of my coaching throughout. In 2003 I qualified in advanced therapeutic counselling, this complements the Inner Game philosophy and enables me to understand humans and ask better questions.

Since 2002 I have delivered workshops to many sports coaches, sharing my passion for the Inner Game, enabling coaches to help their students learn faster in a more rewarding, enjoyable and natural way. My passion for people and for helping them to reach their potential has led me into the business arena where I am confident that the techniques that I use will help and encourage people not only to reach their goals but to enjoy their work more and so raise their performance and enhance the business in which they are working.

Alessandra Salata

Following a degree in Social Sciences at the University of Padua, Alessandra has developed in-depth expertise in Luxury and Contemporary Art. From January 2015 his life changed profoundly and began her journey of personal growth. She is passionate about well-being and proproception technique, which she usually apply in sport coaching and stress management path. Since 2012 she certified as a professional coach, and after as Inner Game coach and facilitator. Up to now, she works with professionals, managers, and sportsman. Curious and researcher of effective methods for change, she believes that each one of us can express themselves and their potential at best. 

Francesca Cinzia Sgarlata

I have always thought about the importance of a personal mission from my youth and, after 20 years working in the Luxury Retail marketing, I followed my dreams: I decided to leave my job inside companies and I became a Talent, Life and Career Coach certified by International Coach Federation. I founded MissioneFIL, with which I spread the importance to find the true self, in order to create happiness in own life. I went on continuing to study Science of Happiness and I have added the study of heart brain, becoming a Hearthmath® Certified Trainer. The study of ourselves brought me to Inner Game and I discovered with pleasure the word ‘enjoyment’, an essential part of learning and performance.

I guide individuals aligning the different brains inside our bodies, acting with new thoughts, emotions and actions.

My mission is to help people of all ages to develop potentialities, passions and talents, so that they can express their best and reach their purpose in life.

Federica Cortina

My keywords are: training and coaching
I have been working with a training school for more than 10 years and I put a great passion in my job. I love to help people and companies progress along their desired paths and see how the change becomes tangible. Definitely, the use of coaching tools allows me to spur awareness of what works and what doesn’t.
I discovered the power of the Inner Game thanks to my mentor and, after reading all of Tim Gallwey’s books, I became an IG Methodology Facilitator. I had my training with Tim Gallwey in person and Renato Ricci
I also collaborate with Polo Didattico, a publishing house which is contributing to spread the Inner Game culture and approach with the Italian version of the book “The Inner Game of Work”
I am an Occupational Psychologist, an NLP Trainer and Coach and also a lecturer in Human Resources Master’s Degree courses.

Gabriella Riccio

 am Gabriella Riccio, Italian NLP Coach & Business Trainer, Hr Manager since 2008 and Inner Game Certificated Facilitator since 2018.

When I met Timothy Gallwey and Renato Ricci in 2017, during the Inner Game of Life in Milan, I discovered pure coaching over Tim books experience I made, and I understood how to learn by experience as well as a child and Then I decided to go on with methodology and the Tiger workshop to

• focus your mind to overcome nervousness, self-doubt, and distractions

• find the state of “relaxed concentration” that allows you to play at your best

• build skills by smart practice, then put it all together in match play

So I decided my coaching would have changed and I began to develope The Inner Game Methodology and Inner Game Culture in ITALY, in business, carreer and selling contests. I am a member in Italian Chapter and I want to make The Inner Game known all around.

Luca Listorti

Facilitator of the Inner Game methodology, Professional Coach with areas of expertise such as sport, life and business, Trainer on behalf of important consulting companies, Talentoday Certified Consultant (an Artificial Intelligence platform dedicated to the identification and development of soft skills).

A great sports enthusiast, since he was a child he has practiced various sports at a competitive level such as swimming, athletics, skiing, volleyball and sailing. He emerged, in particular, in the latter discipline in which he reported victories in various Italian championships, getting on the podium of important international competitions and winning second place at the European Championship in 1997 (France). He was considered an “athlete of Olympic interest” and participated in the preparation of the Italian expedition for the Sydney 2000 Olympic campaign. For the results achieved, he was awarded by the C.O.N.I. as one of the best athletes of Abruzzo and awarded the Bronze Medal for Athletic Value. From 2011 to today he practices the sport of Triathlon trying his hand at the longest and hardest competitions such as the Ironman.

The great passion for sport and the skills of Coaching allow him to build perfect partnerships with professional and amateur athletes, with coaches and instructors, with sports teams and teams who wish to improve their performance, work on their motivational drive, train personal potential, build a winning mentality, strengthen team spirit, refine anxiety and performance stress management techniques, cultivate sport resilience and everything related to the inner dynamics of sportsmen and the human being.

Luciano Tiberi

I am a researcher in the field of possibilities of human potential and its infinite peculiarities. This passion led me to the creation of a Training School specialized in personal and professional growth in Italy.
My mission is to spread the culture of personal improvement, to make people perceive a different way of living life in order to be able to decide with awareness in which direction to go and how to add value to everything we can do and be.
My professional path has been deeply affected by Tim Gallwey: meeting him has enriched what I do and the way I do it.
I had the privilege of following him several times, and I became an Inner Game Practitioner and an IG Methodology Facilitator.
I am also the president of Polo Didattico, a Publishing House which published the italian version of “The Inner Game of Work” a valuable and important contribution in spreading the Inner Game methodology.
My other specializations are: NLP TRAINER, NLP Coach, trainer of the Paul Ekman method and I am a lecturer in HR Master’s Degree courses.

Michela Serramoglia

I am a Leadership Executive Coach specialized in leadership and personal development. Certified Global Disc and EI Assessor. ICF, AICP.

Graduated in Computer Science with a focus on Biophysics and AI, I combine my international experiences of work and life with the rigor of Physics and the latest discoveries in Neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence. I worked for over 20 years in a multicultural environment as Management Consultant, Sales Manager and Entrepreneur in Indonesia, India and Italy, before making the leap and becoming a coach and trainer.

My current key word is Humanology, as I believe that it will be critical in the future to maintain our humanity in spite of the new technologies., and to strengthen organizational capacity to embrace the power of diversity to optimize the creative energy and the potential of teams and business.

I had the privilege to learn directly from Tim Gallwey since 2014, a very precious experience for my life, my job and my golf! I am an Inner Game Practitioner and IG Methodology Facilitator. I translated The Inner Game of Work in italian with two IG colleagues.

I am proud to be able to offer this very special approach to leaders and organizations.

Monica Paliaga

Professional Certified Coach (PCC) ICF, Cerified Inner Game Facilitator, Hogan Assessment Systems Certification, Professional Certified mBIT Coach, HRV and PNEI specialist, senior HR consultant.
Researcher and trainer in Science of Happiness, a science that allowed her to certify herself as a Positive Genius through the prototype and CHO (Chief of Happiness).
His job, his passion, is to help people, sportsmen and companies to develop their skills, to realize their projects and their life purpose, to achieve their goals, to improve relational methods and working.

Paola Uslenghi

Paola is an enthusiastic and self-accomplished professional Coach and Trainer with over 25 years of experience. Her main aim is to achieve a quality leap in providing career counseling, sales, and management professional services.

She completed her degree at Università Cattolica in Milan, specializing in Carrer Coaching. She has always been trained by international highly-qualified professionals and had the unique opportunity to meet Tim Gallwey in 2014. Since then she is a strong supporter of “The Inner Game” approach, actively participating in their training process, also with Renato Ricci.

Sonja Caramagno

Sport and Business Coach, she graduated in Economics and Finance at Università Cattolica of Milan. After more than 10 years in the Public Sector, she got a degree in professional coaching. Working with teenagers in sport, to support them in their personal and sport development, she sustains and nurtures young talents in Golf courses.

In 2016, she received the certificate of Inner GameTM practitioner directly from Timothy Gallwey in Madrid, and she is also a Professional Certified mBIT Coach, currently maintaining the ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Credential.

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