Andy Knibbs
My first job after leaving school resulted in low performance, low enjoyment, and very little learning. My current job, which is also my hobby, is high in learning and enjoyment and I’d like to think high in performance too.
So, how did I get there? I pursued a very natural interest in human behaviour by studying psychology at university for 6 years, whilst simultaneously, attending various placements and jobs, within hospitals and community health centres. At the same time, I worked part-time as a tennis coach where I was able to explore some of the psychological approaches that I had learned. The next step in my journey happened when I was invited to train to become an Inner Tennis Tutor by attending a Train the Trainer course in 2002. The methodology and the ease with which another person could learn from their experience, both naturally and effectively, blew my mind and within a few months I was co-founder of a company that delivered Inner Game workshops to Sports Coaches within the UK.
Since 2002, I have delivered many workshops and worked with over 5000 sports coaches from a range of sports. As a coach, I quickly became aware of how impactful non-directive coaching skills combined with the Inner Game methodology are for helping another person to learn and perform at higher levels. And, when a person chooses to trust in their innate capacity to learn and perform from experience, whether on a tennis court, in the classroom, or in the workplace, it feels me with a great sense of purpose and joy.
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Rob Sheath
I come from a sports background in which I have been involved since 1992. I have gained experience coaching at all levels of sport from beginners to international players. In the early part of my career, I became involved with the Inner Game – and this has been at the heart of my coaching throughout. In 2003 I qualified in advanced therapeutic counselling, this complements the Inner Game philosophy and enables me to understand humans and ask better questions.
Since 2002 I have delivered workshops to many sports coaches, sharing my passion for the Inner Game, enabling coaches to help their students learn faster in a more rewarding, enjoyable and natural way. My passion for people and for helping them to reach their potential has led me into the business arena where I am confident that the techniques that I use will help and encourage people not only to reach their goals but to enjoy their work more and so raise their performance and enhance the business in which they are working.
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