Vitor Ferreira
He has a strong background in the Manufacturing and Service sectors where, for the last 35 years, has conducted professional activities as a technical expert, manager, trainer, consultant, auditor, mentor and coach in South Africa, Brazil, United States, China, India, Thailand, Botswana, Israel, Romania, Hungary, among others…
Since the beginning of his career, has demonstrated the capability and passion for assisting people and organisations in achieving not only their objectives but also in continually improving their abilities towards the fulfilment of their true potential.
Got a Post Graduation Degree in Honours B Com UNISA (University of South Africa) with majors in Business Management, being also a qualified coach through MBCI – Australia (Mentors and Business Coaches International); ICC (International Coaching Community) as a (Member and also in Neuroscience Coaching Certification – Objectives, Emotions and Values). and Certified Facilitator of “The Inner Game Methodology”.
As suas atividades sao feitas em Ingles, Portugues, Espanhol e Frances linguas em que e fluente.
His passion is a never-ending drive for learning and through coaching, mentoring, training and consulting, using this knowledge to assist people and organisations to achieve exponential growth and fulfil their true potential.
Caching Areas: Goals; Life; Business and Executive Coaching.